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IoT Evolution

LoRaWAN Ecosystem Members Deliver Solutions to Health Services in China

According to a recent announcement, several of Semtech’s customers, including CIAAIoT, EasyLinkin, IOCA, RisingHF, and Winext Technology, have integrated the company’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol with Cloud-based platforms developed by Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud, with the goal of deploying smarter IoT-based monitoring applications for residents in quarantine scenarios. Read more
Enterprise IoT Insights

Semtech says LoRa devices optimize quarantine monitoring in China

U.S. company Semtech said that several of its customers, including CIAAIoT, EasyLinkin, IOCA, RisingHF, and Winext Technology, have integrated Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol with cloud-based platforms developed by Chinese companies Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud, to deploy smarter Internet of Things (IoT)-based monitoring applications for residents in quarantine scenarios. Read more
IoT Evolution

Semtech’s LoRa Devices Integrated into Infrared Temperature Sensor

In a recent release, Semtech announced that Polysense Technologies, an innovative leader in enterprise Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for fiber and wireless sensing, has developed a series of smart human body temperature monitoring products based on Semtech’s LoRa® devices. Real-time data from the temperature sensors enables healthcare workers to efficiently screen individuals with a high temperature. The solution has recently shipped to Italy to help with its Coronavirus (COVID-19) response efforts. Read more

Smart temperature monitors developed to help Coronavirus response

Polysense Technologies has developed a series of smart human body temperature monitoring products based on Semtech’s LoRa devices. Read more

Temperature Sensors Employ IoT Connectivity to Speed COVID-19 Screening

Semtech and Polysense Technologies have joined forces to develop a series of human body temperature monitoring devices based on Semtech’s LoRa LPWAN. The sensors provide real-time data to frontline healthcare workers and let them quickly screen individuals with a high temperature, one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19. Read more

Polysense develops LoRa-based temperature scanners

Polysense Technologies, an enterprise Internet of Things (IoT) solutions provider for fibre and wireless sensing, has developed series of smart human body temperature monitoring products based on Semtech Coporation’s LoRa devices. Real-time data from the temperature sensors enables healthcare workers to efficiently screen individuals with a high temperature. The solution has recently shipped to Italy to help with its Coronavirus (COVID-19) response efforts. Read more
new electronics

LoRa devices integrated into infrared temperature sensor

Semtech has announced that Polysense Technologies has developed a series of smart human body temperature monitoring products based on Semtech’s LoRa devices. Read more
IoT Business News

Semtech’s LoRa® Devices Integrated into Polysense’s Infrared Temperature Sensor

Semtech Corporation announced that Polysense Technologies Inc. (Polysense), an innovative leader in enterprise IoT solutions for fiber and wireless sensing, has developed a series of smart human body temperature monitoring products based on Semtech’s LoRa® devices. Read more

La geolocalizzazione dei dispositivi IoT con LoRa Edge

LoRa Edge è la rivoluzionaria tecnologia introdotta da Semtech per localizzare qualsiasi dispositivo IoT utilizzando le reti GNSS e Wi-Fi, ma mantenendo praticamente inalterati i consumi e l’autonomia dei dispositivi. Read more

Smart Asset-Tracking Will Transform Industries This Year

More than half of new business processes will incorporate some element of the internet of things (IoT) this year, Gartner predicts — with a thirty-fold increase in internet-connected physical devices, which will “significantly alter how the supply chain operates.” Read more

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