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new electronics

Smart cities - but when?

The concept of the ‘smart city’ is much discussed, but we remain a long way from seeing it become a reality. Read more
Machine Q A Comcast Service

Comcast’s machineQ Enterprise IoT Service Announces Next Wave of Customers

IoT Connectivity and Service Platform Continues to Make Progress Adding Multiple new IoT Industry Solution Providers Read more
EE Times

IoT Nets Poised for Upgrades

LoRa leads but needs more silicon Read more
A B Open

Cypress, Semtech Announce Two-Chip LoRaWAN Module

Cypress Semiconductor and Semtech Corporation have announced their collaboration on a new, two-chip module combining a microcontroller with a long-range low-power LoRaWAN radio, to first appear in the Onethinx Core. Read more

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